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How To Get Donors To Attend Your Fundraising Events

Recently, a nonprofit that I’ve supported for 12 years revitalized my passion and support for their mission on a whole new level. How’d they do this? They invited my son to one of their events. 

I wasn’t initially committed to attending the event until I realized I could bring one of my kids. I saw this as an opportunity to let my son see firsthand the importance of service and philanthropy. Of course, this was something we often talked about around the dinner table, and he understood these values as well as any teenager can. But I was so excited for him to have his own values-building experience.

Sure enough, my son’s experience at the event was incredible. My son heard the executive director talk about their mission, listened to clients share their stories, and learned about the nonprofit’s impact. The ED, thrilled to see a young person there, even spent 1:1 time chatting with him.

It was clear this event sparked something within him. He asked great questions and got emotionally invested. And on my end, I got to watch my son experience something that is so valuable and important to me: giving back to our community.

That’s why I’m telling nonprofits who want to bring in more event attendees and strengthen donor relationships: invite the entire family. 

Watch this video to learn more about why and how you can orchestrate a family affair.

Looking for more ideas to connect with donors? Read “Nonprofit Donor Engagement Strategies That Ignite Generosity.

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